Class Schedule
Open Gym Hours
Mon-Fri: 7AM to 9PM
Saturday: 9AM to 9PM
*Check the calendar for blocked times, additional classes and speciality classes.
Class Descriptions

Outlast Fit WOD
Outlast Fit WOD's are hybrid style workouts created to improve strength and endurance simultaneously. With Outlast Fit WOD's you will get cardio, resistance, agility, core and functional movements all in one efficient and challenging workout.

DEKA is the Decathlon of Functional Fitness. It consists of fitness competitions and training programs designed for ALL levels of fitness. Outlast Deka WOD's are built from the exercises found in the DEKA zones. These exercises include reverse lunges, box jump overs/step overs, sit-ups, burpees, ski erg, rowing, sled push/pull, air bike, medicine ball tosses and farmer carries. During Outlast DEKA WOD's you will experience muscle fatigue and a rigorous test of muscle endurance and aerobic threshold. These workouts are extremely fun and demanding all at once.

Ladies Night
Ladies Night is a balanced class that focuses on functional fitness and improving overall strength and endurance. Ladies Night classes are designed in a circuit training format. Circuit training is a combination of multiple exercises involving multiple muscle groups performed with short rest between them. By performing a variety of exercises with little rest, circuit training can help challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth and weight loss.
How much does it cost...?$40.00 monthly membership for 1 person. $70.00 for 2 monthly memberships. Memberships include access to the Outlast Fitness facility during open hours and on site classes.
Will my membership renew automatically...?Memberships will automatically renew every month on the same date in which you started. This means that you can enjoy uninterrupted access to our facilities and services without having to worry about manually renewing your membership. Our automatic renewal system aims to ensure convenience for our members and to make the process as seamless as possible. If you have any questions or would like to make changes to your membership, our friendly staff are always available to assist you.
How do I cancel my membership...?Memberships can be cancelled at any time by filling out a cancellation form located on the sign in desk at the facility. Please allow 3-5 business days for cancellation request to be processed.
Will Outlast be open 24 hours?No. Outlast will not be open 24 hours a day. Outlast will have set hours of operation and will be open to members during those times.
Will I be issued a key for entry into the facility?No. Outlast will be open to members during open hours. During which times an Outlast Staff will be present and users will sign in upon entering the facility.
Is Outlast a women's only gym?No. Outlast will offer memberships to everyone and all fitness levels.
Will Outlast be classes or group workouts only?No. In addition to speciality classes and small group sessions, members will also have the opportunity/ability to work out on their own time.